Building for a Healthy Life Panel

Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) is a joint initiative with the NHS, Homes England and the Home Builders Federation as a Design Code to improve the design of new and growing neighbourhoods.

Book a BHL assessment

Design:Midlands is the registered assessor for Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) in the Midlands, with accredited Panel Assessors to support this activity. The BHL framework is both a negotiation tool and a functional measure of how a housing scheme performs to 12 considerations relating to neighbourhoods, character and distinctiveness, green and blue infrastructure, and streets.

Working closely with Homes England in the Midlands, we have become a trusted resource to support housing excellence. We welcome engagement with housebuilders and local authorities to support the continued roll out of BHL.

Our accredited assessors can provide

Site pre-assessment

To offer advice on the BHL potential of your housing development

Provided at Outline or Reserved Matters stages, we can visit the site with you and provide a report to outline the scheme’s potential to achieve the 12 considerations

From £2,500 + VAT

BHL assessment

BHL assessment pre submission of a planning application

Provided at pre-planning submission, a desktop review will advise on how the scheme delivers against the 12 considerations. This gives the opportunity for any final amendments to your design.

From £2,000 + VAT

Post completion

Post completion of a housing scheme to test against BHL

Provided when a housing scheme has been built, we can visit the site with you to advise on what your scheme has achieved against the 12 considerations.

From £2,000 + VAT


In-house training to support your team to deliver BHL considerations into their design activity

Different methods of training can be provided to suit your team – whether local authority, planning agent, architect’s office or housebuilder. We can do on-site and desk based exercises, or bring the training online if required.

From £2,000 + VAT