Design Review in The Midlands

Design Review is referred to in the National Planning Policy Framework. Paragraph 138 of the NPPF states: Local Planning Authorities should ensure that they have access to, and make appropriate use of, tools and processes for assessing and improving the design of development.

Book a design review

These include workshops to engage the local community, design advice and review arrangements, and assessment frameworks such as Building for Life. These are of most benefit if used as early as possible in the evolution of schemes, and are particularly important for significant projects such as large scale housing and mixed use developments. In assessing applications, Local Planning Authorities should have regard to the outcome from these processes, including any recommendations made by design review panels.

As the Midlands Design Review Panel, we are best placed to provide the above service to Local Planning Authorities in the Midlands.

Benefits of Design Review

Design Review is beneficial in a number of ways, it can:

  • Help to improve the design of a scheme to make it function better and be more user-friendly. 
  • Brings a breadth and depth of experience that may not be available to the project team or to the Local Planning Authority.
  • Assists in solving problems by providing a fresh perspective on a scheme.
  • Provides an opportunity for consultees to be engaged in a wider design led discussion on a scheme i.e. Historic England, County Highways, neighbouring LPA etc.
  • Help to progress a scheme through the planning process. Support from the Midlands Design Review Panel, or demonstrating that a scheme has responded to the comments raised adds weight to a planning application.

Types of design review


Large and complex schemes

Large scale / complex schemes when a full day is needed such as a garden village, an urban extension, major regeneration development etc.

£6,000.00 + VAT


Mixed use or 30 homes +

Mixed use, regeneration,
town/city centre, public
buildings, housing
developments 30+ dwellings.

£4,000.00 + VAT


Single dwellings & up to 30 homes

Individual buildings, including isolated homes in the open countryside / para. 84 NPPF, infill and less than 30 dwellings

£3,250.00 + VAT

Walk and Talk

Initial design development stage

On site appraisal or to address a specific issue

£2,000.00 +VAT


Sign off

Returning scheme seeking final views or clarifications
